

I've got a limit of 23 kg of checked luggage and 8 kg for my hand bag plus a separate bag for my laptop. 23 kg correspond to 230 chocolate bars which seems a lot - but unfortunately only about nine Biophysics books fit into 23 kg (assuming one book to be about 2.5 kg – I actually measured this value!). Taking into account the weight of the bag itself which might be about 4 kg, I am left with only seven books.

A random book (wikipedia).

I am calculating all this stuff in books because I was told that clothes in the US are cheaper and I should buy them there. After a first trial I ended up with about 22 kg for my luggage and one quarter was not even filled with stuff! Then I excluded the two telephone book like bricks and I am below the 20-kg-boundary again.

Maybe it's sensible to take as many clothes as possible, because shopping takes time until you find something you are truly happy with. So I'll see – all the books and other heavy things might go by post or with my parents visiting me. However, I could order some things with amazon or the like, but if I already have books, I will not re-buy them.

Leaving the books I am left with the usual questions: Do I need a hair drier? Should I take more than two trousers? What about backup chocolate?