
Turkey Trot

In order to get rid of additional pounds you might gain during Thanksgiving there's a short run (5 or 10 km) at the weekend before Thanksgiving at the lagoon of the UCSB. Of course, the original intention is not that directly connected to weight loss, but to support students to go to conferences associated with sports and leadership development.

Or, as the Daily Nexus describes it:
“The fund basically sends students to conferences and different activities that would promote Recreation Sports leadership,” Clarke said.
Chad Briner Student Staff Development Fund also helps expand leadership roles in the Rec Sports office through workshops aimed at strengthening the recreation sports programs and helping staff members continue to put on various activities, such as the Turkey Trot." (link)

So, we had a great morning of fun and so many different people were running, that was fantastic! For example, I met one of my professors and his son; then there was a group of "old guys" as they called themselves who were running the 10 km under 50 min.! I felt old ;) The track was beautiful as we had a nice ocean view... but I could have stopped after 3.5 km - 5 km can become very long if you run under time pressure.