
"Queen" Concert

During July, there are free concerts in one of the public parks in Santa Barbara downtown. The one last Thursday was announced to have Queen as a theme, so I went, but I was super skeptical if anybody in the world could imitate the real Queen sound.

And, well, of course it was not exactly Freddie Mercury's guitar, but it was great entertainment and one of the band members actually looked like Mr Mercury ;-) It was not like any open air concert as it started at 6 pm and people had brought picnic blankets long before that to sit close to the stage. Thus, at the beginning of the concert, we had a potluck-picnic dinner and afterwards we listened and many people started dancing. At the ending (which was early, around 8:30 pm), they played "We are the champions" and finally everybody (any age, any race) was dancing! It was a great, very intercultural and peaceful atmosphere.