
Lemon Fest

... denn sauer macht ja lustig.

Lemons are not only a fruit, they are a life style, I'm sure. Therefore, Goleta, the town next to the UCSB, celebrated on Sunday lemon bear, lemon pie, lemon ice cream, lemon xyz. Overall it was not as lemon-ish as I expected it to be because there were still many bank, club or therapeutic something with help for everything (who knows if they talked to the bear people that everybody turns slightly yellow after the bear to accelerate the business with the anti-yellow-therapy ;-)).

 Lemon fest in Goleta.

The festival was mainly made for families and children, so everybody played soccer or conquered the bouncing castle. Especially soccer seems to be a huge deal around here. I saw a lot more people kicking a ball than carrying it or playing baseball. However, baseball caps are still a necessary fashion item ;-)