

We drove shopping with open car windows, some average music on the radio and the sunset going down :-) that was amazing and the Californian feeling of life!

Okay, it was just pretty cool and I felt like I am in one of those films or books about California, living freedom. We went to get some decoration for our apartment and were successful.

But grocery shopping is far not as easy as buying a painting. Vegetables and fruit work out absolutely perfect, but anything you can add intentionally sugar to, is dangerous. My favorite example is yogurt: Innocently, I bought some fruit yogurt and was slightly surprised, that it was sweeter than I expected and the cause was (what else?!) additional sugar.
Maybe that's nowadays normal for yogurt.

But not for bread! The first time I bought bagels I was lucky, but afterwards... I started reading very closely what their ingredients are. I do the same with yogurt which takes me about 5 minutes in front of the shelf to find out, which yogurt hits the price-ingredient-optimum. The same with bread. Last time I found sour bread which seems to be the German Sauerteigbrot (... I hope ;-)).

But before that... I bought the cheapest one without sugar and it was full of caraway - nooo!!